Lebih sihat dengan produk herbalife :)
Alhamdulillah, today I attended a wedding ceremony of a very close friend of mine. Barakallah Siti Aisyah Yahya and Luqman Hakim Jusoh. Starting my journey early today, I need to catch a quick and energetic breakfast. So, herbalife shake and teamix la. Only took me few minutes to prepare and I'm set to go, Produk Herbalife memang best!
Semasa di walimah tadi, ada kawan-kawan yang tanya tentang produk herbalife. Antaranya, produk herbalife berkesan ke (this is like a compulsory question of course), nak kurus makan produk herbalife yang mana, macam mana sara disiplin minum air banyak-banyak dan macam-macam tentang produk herbalife.
Banyaknya nak cerita:) Ok, in this post, we'll concentrate on Formula 1 Nutritious Mixed Soy Powder Drink.
The name best describes it. Nutritious. Memang kaya dengan nutrisi. Produk herbalife Formula 1 mempunyai 5 perisa iaitu chocolate (all time favourite), cappuccino, strawberry, vanilla and tropical fruit. For me, my favourite would be a mixed of chocolate and strawberry flavour which really gives a good taste! Be creative with your shake, biasanya saya tambahkan buah-buahan, fresh and tasty :)
Produk herbalife Formula 1 adalah hidangan sarapan yang sangat-sangat sihat. Lets see the content;
- 8.7g - 9.9g protien (buat kita rasa kenyang dan baik untuk pertumbuhan sel)
- 16 vitamin dan mineral, kalsium (there's no more need to take up many many pills of supplements)
- Antioksida bersamaan satu hidangan buah (rahsia awet muda)
- Rendah kalori! (only about 80-180 calorie)
- Cepat dan mudah disediakan (hanya tambah air dan goncang)
Jom mulakan perubahan ke arah hidup yang lebih sihat dengan mengawal kalori kita. Lose weight, lower risk of diseases (heart, diabetic, obes etc) and be healthier at the same time, insya Allah. It is all about calorie intake!
Jadi, jika anda ingin membuat perubahan didalam gaya hidup anda, saya cadangkan anda cuba produk herbalife Formula 1 shake sebagai sarapan pagi, I assure you it will be worthy :) Healthy with me? Emel saya di sara.lyana@gmail.com untuk analisa badan percuma atau apa-apa mengenai produk herbalife.
Another healthy day tomorrow, Insya Allah :)
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