Feb 28, 2010

If it is taken, what is left?

It's getting worse.

"Is it that bad?" she asked the old guy in front of her. The doctor tried so hard to say it gently, not to hurt her. She never thought it can be that serious. The room was quite for few seconds.

She trembles at the very thought of what had happened in the morning. She calls her family that night. Thought of sharing the news with the nearest people to her, ayah and ibu. Just to ease the restless heart. But everybody sounds very happy about something that night. Decided not to do so, she chooses to keep it within herself.

She knows some kind of motivation is something that she really needs at that moment. So, she browses through the internet. Looking for article or any reading material to be inspired with and to boost up the courage in her. From minutes to hours, she takes almost the whole night to sooth her heart. Luckily, out of many pages she had browsed through, she finally finds the perfect words to feed her sorrow heart.
"Dan jika kamu menghitung-hitung nikmat Allah, niscaya kamu tidak dapat menentukan jumlahnya. Sesungguhnya Allah benar-benar Maha Pengampun lagi Maha Penyayang."  (An-Nahl: 18).
Tears running down from her eyes. Regretting herself for being very weak in facing the test that Allah has chosen for her.

 "He might had taken away that one particular grace that He had lent me all this while.. But there are so many being left and given without having me asking from Him...Subhanallah..." the small voice in her speaks.

Now, she realizes that every sadness and pain is a test from Allah. Not to punish but to make our spirit strong in meeting tomorrows. She wipes the tears on her face and put on a tender smile. Praying for a better days ahead.

.......................the end.......................

For you and me;

His test is not an option for us to choose. It is in His hand.

If one of us happen to be chosen sooner or later, learn to be grateful. Why? Because Allah has chosen us out of millions of people in this world. We have His attention. Isn't that great? 

Let's try to accept His test with sincerity and face it with patient.

"Maka bersabarlah kamu dengan kesabaran yang baik." (Al-Ma'arij: 5)
I'm trying too... May Allah's guidance will always be with you and me.. InsyaAllah ;)

Feb 23, 2010

CnS 1st event

Alhamdulillah, last 20th February 2010 CnS EXCO with the help of 14 facilitators managed to conduct our very own 1st event; Systematic Community Service.

Sorry, I'm not in a mood of writing tonight. Still thinking about that little something and I'm quite tried after the whole day trip to Penang for our wastewater engineering course. A short and simple one from me.

So, let the pictures explain it all......

In SMK Layang-Layang Kiri (Led by Exco I).

In SMK Muhamad Shah (Led by Exco II)

http://utpress.blogspot.com/2010/02/systematic-community-service-program.html <--More here

Thank You Allah. You have always helped me again and again without fail ;)

Feb 13, 2010

Travel two weeks back

Alhamdulillah. Being at home has always lighten me up ;)

It was such a released to be able to be at home after almost one and a half month of hard work in UTP. Alhamdulillah.

Time has always been very jealous of me in the past few weeks which restricted me from updating on the 'hard work' I mentioned before. Well, Mr.Time seems to be a bit generous tonight. So, let's recall what had happened in the previous episode of the drama entitled 'UTP, SRC and Sara Lyana.'

  • 1st-3rd February - We had Minggu Mesra Kampus. SRCUTP and Martial Arts Festival collabrated to organized MMK successfully and came out with A Martial Arts Night for the first time during MMK.
  • 4-5th February - Rakan Exco Recruitment Drive. It was great and glad to have our new rakan exco with us now. Good Job CnS(don't miss CnS 1st meeting..hehe)
  • 6th February - Dinner with VP of Education PETRONAS
  • 7th February - Rakan Exco Kick-Off night. (Syed and I wore purple that night. My rakan exco should too but they forgot..hmm)
  • 8th February - SRC Weekly Meeting.
  • 9th February - Session with Class Representatives. An informative session with both good feedback and critics thrown to us. Those who came were really outspoken and helpful. If only everyone dare to come and share their thought with us rather than expressing the unsatisfied feeling to the wrong channel. SRC will keep improving and we can do that even more effecient by having all of you with us. That is what we meant by 'Pursuing Togetherness'.
  • 10th February - Welcoming Session for International Students of Jan10 intake by Culture and Society Exco. Syed (my exco 1) and I conducted a slot to welcome our international friends on behalf of SRCUTP. We gave them an overview of life in UTP and pointed out few steps they should consider as the starting moves to make friends and mingle around.
  • 11th February - Urgent Titian Budi Meeting as preparation to meet Ketua Menteri Melaka on the next day. They looked stressful. Yet, I can only say all the best and I'll pray for the very best. You all had work very hard so far. Thus, just leave the rest to Allah.
  • 12th February - Chinese New Year break. Gong Xi Fat Cai and Happy Holiday. Optimize your time with your family.

That's all for now. Mr.Time says it's time to sleep. Good night.

saat malam semakin sunyi, ku mohon keampunanMu atas kelalaian diakibat urusan dunia..moga setiap pekerjaan mendapat redhaMu..ya Rabb.

Feb 9, 2010

Be like a pencil

Salam and good morning..

It's a new day, a beautiful morning I can say. I woke up at 4.30am today and it was still dark and quite. Right now, I am watching the sunrise early in the morning. I can see the sunlight shines through the window and lighten up small part of my room. And when the morning breeze blows, it simply makes up a perfect and peaceful morning. Praise Allah for giving me another chance to do what I haven't done, to correct mistakes, to apologize to many, to fulfill hopes, to love people around me...Well, too many things, too little time.. I thank you Allah for every breath I take.

As I had promised before, I like to share something quoted from Puan Juniwati; PETRONAS VP of education.

Be just like a pencil.....

A pencil can't write by itself. It needs to be guided by somebody. Same goes to us, we need to be led and inspired. Source of inspiration may comes from Allah, family, national leader or others.
          I said : I would say Allah, family and friends are my source of inspiration!

A pencil needs to be sharpened from time to time as to ensure optimum efficiency. As human, we have to polish our skills and keep improving. We will feel pain in our way to improve just like the sharpening process causes pain to the pencil.  
         I said : Agree.We might fall at certain point in life, but get back on feet and keep walking.

A pencil has an eraser at the top end. We have chances in life. We can erase mistakes and correct them. 
         I said : Grab chances while we can.

The outer part of the pencil is hard while the inner part is very soft(carbon lead). Everything starts from the heart. The intention must be right.
         I said : Yes, good things start with good intention.

Pencil leaves marks. Every step taken will have its own effect. Think wisely before making decision, it may result in a positive or negative impact.
         I said : Every steps count!

Can a pencil inspire you? Well, it did inspire me ;)

It's time for lab.. tata.

Feb 8, 2010

A Dinner with PETRONAS Vice President of Education

Salam and greetings..

Yes, it has been quite a while after the last post. Well, life has becoming more hectic since the lecture weeks have started and SRCUTP had so many events in a row for the previous two weeks. Not to forget the late night meetings, sudden tasks, reports, ETP meetings and assignments which really mountain up the stress and knocked me down to fell sick at the same time. But Alhamdulillah, Allah kept me strong all the way through and it was a good lesson for me to appreciate time and good health.

Ok, back to the topic. A dinner with PETRONAS Vice President of Education; Puan Juniwati Rahmat Hussin. The dinner was held on 6th February 2010 at Undercorft, CH. This dinner was the second event she had in Tronoh for 2010 after conducting a community service program organized by PETRONITA in Kg. Bali on 5th February which was also joined by SRCUTP. Surprisingly, SRCUTP and ISCUTP were invited to the dinner and had a chance to have a close session with her during the dinner.

During the dinner, she delivered a speech where she shared her wide experience while working in PETRONAS more than 20++ years.What I can say, she is a great leader, chemical engineer, business woman, sportswoman, loyal wife and loving mother. She is a great person who presents herself in such humble and graceful manner.

At the end of the speech, she opened the floor for Q&A session. Both SRCUTP and ISC did not fail to grab the opportunity to address issues related to PETRONAS scholarship and the university to the guest. Issues which were brought into discussion are;

1) Increment of scholarship 
2) Employment of Petronas scholars by PETRONAS
3) PETRONAS marriage policy
4) Financial problem for new intake due to no sponsor from PETRONAS
5) CM
6) Internship and Exchange students program
7) International students related issues
8) Pay back amount upon graduation
9) Recognition of UTP - UTP in world ranking

These are some of the issues which I'm sure that there were actually more which I can't remember. We had both positive ad negative responses towards the issues. But we were satisfied that at least we were heard. We had given our reports on the issues and she will decide whether further discussion is needed. Hopefully she would consider our proposal to further discuss on certain issues.

I guess, that is all about now. Puan Junita did tell us a nice sharing. But, maybe I'll share it in the next post. This post seems had gone a bit serious ;)

p/s: tonight is the kick-off night of Rakan Exco which newly join us on board.