Mar 8, 2010

An invitation to....

Introduction to MPPUTP 2009/2010 Night

8th March 2010 (Monday)
9:00 PM-11:30PM
Lecture Hall 3

You are free to ask anything during the session

Refreshment and door gift are provided
As well as a special gift to be given to the lucky person


Come and get to know us. You have nothing to lose. 

p/s: you are not on UTPress page.. hehe.. just a personal invitation =) 

A good feedback on Systematic Community Service =)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: M Noor Rosli B Baharom (ACADEMIC/UTP)<>
Date: Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 9:30 AM
Subject: RE: Systematic Comm Service
To: hanIf humam <>
Cc: "Raja Shoman B Raja Rosdin (UTP)" <>, "Juniwati Bt Rahmat Hussin (VP_EDU/PETH)" <>, "Zainal Abidin B Hj Kasim - Datuk Dr (CEO/UTP)" <>


Dear Sdr Hanif,

Congratulations on this noble effort.  I am very happy to note MPPUTP has responded well to my challenge on the need to organize sustainable community development programs especially with communities nearby UTP.  For the moment focus on these two schools.  After two months of implementation, pls do an evaluation to check effectiveness of the program and decide on way forward.

Pls contact SSSD or my office if you require any further assistance in managing this program.

Kind regards.

Mohamed Noor Rosli Bin Baharom
Director of Student Services
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS
Tel: 605-3688383/8384


Good right? Alhamdulillah.. not being proud of ourselves but just sharing our success and it's really good to know that your hard work is appreciated =) 

Thank you so much to everybody involved. Especially CnS members, MPP members and facilitators. Not to forget, a special thanks to Mr.President. Thank you for your idea, Thank you for your support and Thank you for believing in me and Syed... which we personally doubted at that particular moment. 

Thank You.
GOOD JOB EVERYBODY! (it's like my trademark now.. hehe)

p/s: It's quite hard to find time to keep the blog updated... prioritizing on more important things at the moment.. =)

Mar 1, 2010


InFUD is everywhere! People are talking about it here and there, posters can be seen all over the campus and obviously a spreading disease in your messengers list (gtalk, YM and etc) where almost everybody have InFUD on their status! 


InFUD stands for INTERFAITH UNDERSTANDING DIALOGUE 2010. It is an initiative of all student bodies together with almost all registered clubs in UTP to achieve an objective of understanding. Religion, believe and faith are always claimed to be sensitive topics which will lead to misunderstandings and fights. This claim has causes these topics to be left and untouched in most open discussions in the country and specifically in UTP . 

Living in such a modern and educated environment, some universities had taken few steps ahead in organizing an open discussion on religion. 2010 shows that it is about time for  UTP to grab the challenge in organizing Interfaith Understanding Dialogue. The organizing committees believe that UTP students are well educated, open minded and able to think wisely. Having these characteristics, UTP students are extremely ready to face the Interfaith Understanding Dialogue. 

Are you ready? Don't be left behind. No entry fee, only for the sake of knowledge.


Date: 1st March 2010
Time: 8.00pm - 11.40pm
Venue: Chancellor Hall, UTP

Let's be united through understanding of other religions. 

It is not about comparing and choosing the best. 

Only a way in accepting similarities and respecting differences.