Aug 14, 2010

It's Ramadhan


It's Ramadhan again. Alhamdulillah.. Praise be to the Almighty because He has selected us to be the chosen one to benefit from the blessed month of Ramadhan in which He promises forgiveness, acceptance of prayers and release from the Hell-fire.

Now that Ramadhan is here. It is simply the right time to change towards a better Muslim. Get rid of bad habit and develop a good one. I always believe; When we start with Allah and the rest would be just fine. :)
So, friends.. May Allah make this Ramadhan a chance for us to be closer to Him and reward us with His forgiveness.

Wishing everyone a great Ramadhan and hopefully we would fully benefit from it. InsyaAllah.

No eating during the day ok.. adik ni pon pndi :)

Aug 4, 2010



An apple a day keeps the doctor away.. (tipu je.. xjd pon)

Just a reminder after such a long break on this blog.

Take good care of our body, we're going to use it until the end of our life
there will be no spare parts or replacement..

Be healthy, keep healthy!

My doctor said watch out for everything that you put inside your mouth. It might kill you.. (food kills.. huhu)